Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Current Events

To add to the recent post of the quotes from After the Fact's USDA article, I would just like to make a side entry. I would like to point out an excerpt from my second quote "The legislative process is so contituted that willful minorities can sometimes thrawrt the will of determined majorities". Now, just like then, the president cannot get his way with a certain bill just because it's what he wants. Obama is facing a similar situation, just as Roosevelte was in 1906. Obama wants to pass the Health Care bill, but he has seen a lot of dissent from the consitituents all around the United States.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. There are a great many parrallels between the situation facing TR in 1906 and the siutation facing Obama today--in both cases, the minority party has used the legialtive process to force the majority into a position of compromising with them. Is that the result of the legislative process itself or the indivduals who know how to manipulate the situation to their advantage? That' sthe question D& L want us to consider. I'm intrigued by the power that the "Gang of Six" has been able to wield within the Senate Finance Committe-shoudl only six senators be controlling so much of the future of health care in this country and what's the basis of their power? Great connectiona and great thinking!
